Month: August 2012

  • The three poisons

    The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions and evils, is rooted in the three poisons: greed, anger, and delusion.

    These three poisoned states of mind themselves include countless evils, like trees that have a single trunk but countless branches and leaves.

    Yet each poison produces so many more millions of evils that the example of a tree is hardly fitting for comparison.

    ~ Bodhidharma

  • Tomatoes heading for tomato sauce

    IMGP7633-tomato-sauce, a photo by RaeAllen on Flickr.

    Destined for sauce, the over-ripe and blemished tomatoes at the end of my tomato crop this year.

  • Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I love you.

    Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I love you.
    January, February, into March and April,
    Same way too.
    May, June and July, I never let a day go by
    Without a kiss for you to remember
    Just in case you go away in August or September
    In October and November, Not to mention cold December
    I love you.
    Every single second, every minute, every hour, all the whole year through,
    Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I love you.

    ~Frankie Carle