Author: Rae

  • Gesundbrunnen bridge

    Crossing a fairly large bridge over some railway lines in Gesundbrunnen, I was amused to find that the cars you see in the photo are actually parked on the bridge, not waiting for traffic lights to change as I originally thought.

  • Street art, Oderbergerstrasse

    Street art, Oderbergerstrasse.I notice that while most attention is given to the large street art pieces, smaller works have their place.

  • U2 from Eberswalderstrasse

    U2 from Eberswalderstrasse

    The U2 from Eberswalderstrasse disappears underground not long after leaving the station on its way to Alexanderplatz, Potsdamerplatz and other stations. Its a train we have used a lot already as it heads through the centre of the city and beyond.

  • Berlin in the fog

    Berlin in the fog

    We woke up this morning to find Berlin in the fog. The fog did tend to stop the temperature getting very cold but it was very chilly.

  • Paster girl

    Paster girl

    Putting up flyers with a can of glue and paste brush in hand this woman was moving down Wuhlischstrasse sticking flyers to posts and signal boxes. (You’ll need to excuse the pun in the title 🙂 )

  • Hops and Barley Hausbrauerei

    Hops and Barley Hausbrauerei
    Friedrichshainer – Dunkles : dark, toasty #craftbeer from Hops and Barley Hausbrauerei. And if you think that sounds tasty, .3l glass was €2.10 and large (.5l) glasses were €2.50

  • Old buildings, Prenzlauerberg

    Old buildings, Prenzlauer

    Many of the buildings in Prenzlauer are in fairly poor condition. The benefit for travelers is that the inner courtyards are often accessible to photographers. Despite it’s appearance this building is occupied, although not necessarily by people paying rent

  • White asparagus

    I didn’t realise it at the time, but this white asparagus soup is something of a seasonal dish in Berlin. Apparently just during April and May, the season delivers the white asparagus and the Berlin restaraunters make the most of it.

    I had seen it in the markets, and checked them out as they do look very odd compared to the normal green asparagus.

  • Park on the footpath

    As long as you have a parking ticket or a residents permit feel free to park with your front wheels on the footpath.

    When I first saw a car parked like this I thought the driver had one too many but instead of widening the roadway to add extra parking, they’ve kept the wide footpaths but for certain times of the day allow you to park with the back wheels in the gutter and the front wheels on the footpath.

    Photo uploaded April 19, 2014 at 10:03PM