Berlin in the fog
We woke up this morning to find Berlin in the fog. The fog did tend to stop the temperature getting very cold but it was very chilly.
We woke up this morning to find Berlin in the fog. The fog did tend to stop the temperature getting very cold but it was very chilly.
Bauhaus Archive
If you are interested in design this place is fantastic. The history of Bauhaus is fascinating enough, but add to that the impact their designs have made across the world and its an amazing body of work
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Yard 5, Friedrichshain
Street art, Yard 5, Friedrichshain. I caught this only briefly between the M13 and M10 trams and the rain about to set in and my camera battery dying. The project looks interesting enough for me to make a trip just to look through the yard, painted over the Easter long weekend.
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Neue Nationalgalerie
The New National Gallery “is a museum for modern art in Berlin, with its main focus on the early 20th century. It is part of the National Gallery of the Berlin State Museums. The museum building and its sculpture gardens were designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and opened in 1968.”
Neue Nationalgalerie, Potsdammer Strasse, Berlin
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Living slightly outside Mitte we haven’t had much to do with tourists so far, basically everyone we meet in the street are locals from the neighborhood. Yesterday however we went to Potsdamer platz and it is definitely a tourist hub in Berlin. I actually had thought we were going shopping so didn’t bring my Pentax so only had my phone on me. Thanks however to Google autoawesome I ended up with an animation of half a dozen shots of the Brandenburg Tor, plus an autoawesome eraser where most of the tourists were removed from the shot.
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Putting up flyers with a can of glue and paste brush in hand this woman was moving down Wuhlischstrasse sticking flyers to posts and signal boxes. (You’ll need to excuse the pun in the title 🙂 )
Hops and Barley Hausbrauerei
Friedrichshainer – Dunkles : dark, toasty #craftbeer from Hops and Barley Hausbrauerei. And if you think that sounds tasty, .3l glass was €2.10 and large (.5l) glasses were €2.50
Many of the buildings in Prenzlauer are in fairly poor condition. The benefit for travelers is that the inner courtyards are often accessible to photographers. Despite it’s appearance this building is occupied, although not necessarily by people paying rent
I didn’t realise it at the time, but this white asparagus soup is something of a seasonal dish in Berlin. Apparently just during April and May, the season delivers the white asparagus and the Berlin restaraunters make the most of it.
I had seen it in the markets, and checked them out as they do look very odd compared to the normal green asparagus.