Tag: formula

  • Spreadsheet formulas: Prepend by concatenation

    Have had to delve into some formulas for processing text files so needed someplace to jot them down

    Prepend the word GET and a space to front of a string by the concatenation method

  • Spreadsheet formulas: Remove characters from the right

    Have had to delve into some formulas for processing text files so needed someplace to jot them down

    Remove 11 characters from the right of the string in a cell:
    =RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-11)

    How does this work?

    Le’s say you have a number of locations with Australia at the start, e.g. Australia: Brisbane, Australia: Sydney

    • LEN(A1) returns the length of the string in cell A1: 19 letters in Australia: Brisbane
    • It then subtracts 11, in order to leave out the first 11 characters: Australia plus the colon plus the space
    • Then RIGHT() takes the last 8 letters from the string and returns: Brisbane
    • In effect, this has removed the first 11 characters of the string