Tag: Prenzlauer

  • Schönhauser Allee
    Train heading towards Senefelderplatz disappears underground soon after leaving Eberswalderstrasse

    Photo taken April 19, 2014 at 02:25AM

  • Outside bar
    Not all the street art you see is non-commercial nor salubrious

  • mural
    This mural wraps around the corner over the ground floor of a bulding – Sredzkistrasse and Hagenauerstrasse

  • Street art, Prenzlauer berg
    El Bocho – Melancholy girls

    I’m just working through some of my photos from Berlin with a bit more time to look at them. One of the more prolific street artists is El Bocho, and one of his signature pieces are melancholy looking girls, often with “I miss my … ’ sorts of sayings.

    From my perspective he probably has his work defaced more than most – the pieces I found having tags or other graffiti over most of them.