Tag: Rae’s bookshelf: all

  • Messages (David Chance Mystery #1)

    author: John Michael Hileman
    name: Rae
    average rating: 3.68
    book published: 2011
    rating: 2
    read at:
    date added: 2015/04/18
    This was a more average book than I expected from the initial blurb. The plot line was thin and ended up coming out as some contrived christian v muslim v shady money manifesto #review

    from http://bit.ly/1IXaCYp

  • The Bloody North (The Fallen Crown, #1)

    author: Tony Healey
    name: Rae
    average rating: 3.59
    book published: 2014
    rating: 4
    read at: 2015/04/18
    date added: 2015/04/18
    This turned out to be a much better book than I initially expected. The story line is strong and the action sequences are well written #review

    from http://bit.ly/1b9bdIf