Category: HTML5

HTML5 application studies

  • HTML5 audio

    MP3 source file

    <audio src="/audio/straw bales.mp3" controls="controls" preload="metadata"></audio>
    This will show the audio and the controls but won’t autoplay or loop. It will preload the metadata only however some browsers may not take notice of this restriction.
    /audio/straw bales.mp3

    <audio src="/audio/straw bales.mp3" controls preload="metadata" autoplay loop></audio>
    This will add the autoplay and loop parameters to play the item on load and loop the audio from the end.

    Browser Support for MP3 audio
    Support for the MP3 format audio is restricted to Safari, IE 9 onwards, and Chrome.

    Ogg source file
    <audio src="/audio/straw bales.ogg" controls="controls" preload="metadata"></audio>
    This will show the audio and the controls but won’t autoplay or loop. It will preload the metadata only however some browsers may not take notice of this restriction.
    /audio/straw bales.ogg

    Browser support for Ogg Vorbis

    Support for the Ogg Vorbis format audio is restricted to Firefox, Chrome and Opera