You can use SSI to select a specific day, and then carry out an action. You can also determine that action to be carried out at a certain time on that day.
- First configure the time format to the day of the year
<!–#config timefmt=”%j” –> - Then use an SSI to select a specific day
<!–#if expr=”($DATE_LOCAL = /75/)” –>
This will select the 15 March in 2012 - Â You can use SSI to select a number of days.
<!–#if expr=”($DATE_LOCAL = /75/)||($DATE_LOCAL = /76/)||($DATE_LOCAL = /77/)||($DATE_LOCAL = /78/)||($DATE_LOCAL = /79/)||($DATE_LOCAL = /80/)||($DATE_LOCAL = /81/)” –>
This will select from day 75 through to day 81 - You can also select a specific time within this day
<!–#if expr=”${DATE_LOCAL} = /296/ “–>
<!–#if expr=”((${DATE_LOCAL} > 2961659) && (${DATE_LOCAL} < 2961901)) “–>
This will look at day number 296, and then carry out the command for the time from 1659 local time to 1901 local time based on the server.