My robe has become a garment of dew.
Unable to sleep I
Walk out into the woods
Suddenly, above the highest peak,
The full moon appears.
– Ryokan (1758-1831)
In Zen Buddhism, enigmatic or paradoxical questions used by teachers to develop students’ intuition. Also refers to religious problems encountered in daily life.
My robe has become a garment of dew.
Unable to sleep I
Walk out into the woods
Suddenly, above the highest peak,
The full moon appears.
– Ryokan (1758-1831)
Into a person,
Absolutely free
From thoughts and emotions,
Even the tiger finds no room
To insert its fierce claws.
– Shinkage
The buddha way is, basically, leaping clear of the many and the one; thus there are birth and death, delusion and realization, sentient beings and buddhas.
Yet in attachment blossoms fall, and in aversion weeds spread.
If fear is banished,
Where does it go?
In this still place
I follow my nature,
Be what it may.
With thoughts clear,
Sitting silently,
Wander into the center
Of the circle of wonder.
– Hongzhi Zhengjue
What does it matter,
The new year, the old year?
I stretch out my legs
And all alone have a
Quiet sleep.
– Bankei
it’s all you have
Undertake difficult tasks
by approaching what is easy in them;
Do great deeds
by focusing on their minute aspects.
All difficulties under heaven arise from what is easy,
All great things under heaven arise from what is
-Tao Te Ching
Day and night,
Everything is wonderful.
Nothing you encounter confuses you.
These are the essentials of mind.