Category: zen

  • lightning flash

    In the space of a lightning flash,
    the world is built and established.

    – Su Shih (1073)

  • unborn

    things are perfectly resolved in the

    – Bankei (1622-1693)

  • dead trees

    “Enlightenment” and “Nirvana”?
    They are dead trees
    to fasten a donkey to.

    What can these things
    have to do with you
    becoming free?

    – Te-shan (780-865)

  • cleansing stream

    Do you know how to let the
    mountain stream cleanse your mind?

    Every thought is pulled out along the smooth,
    polished stones, disappearing
    downstream in the frothy current.

    The mind keeps on making more thoughts
    until it sees that they are
    all being carried away downstream;
    until it realizes that they
    are all vanishing,
    dissolving into an unseen point.

    Then it won’t bother for awhile.

    – Ji Aoi Isshi

    – Ji Aoi Isshi

  • Morning Sun

    How elegant is the morning sun
    Shining on the rafters and eaves.

    – Ni Tsan (1301-1374)

  • Clear Mind

    Green waters and verdant mountains
    are the places to walk in meditation;
    by the streams or under the trees
    are places to clear the mind.

    – Keizan Jokin

  • Think Not

    Though I think not
    To think about it,
    I do think about it
    And shed tears
    Thinking about it.

    – Ryokan (1758-1831)

  • weak as water

    There is nothing in the world
    So weak as water,
    Nor anything strong enough
    To overcome it.
    The person of great wisdom
    Is like water which,
    Though benefiting all things,
    Never strives.

    – Lao-tzu

  • Sit up

    I lie at peace in moonlight.
    Or, hearing water plashing on the rock,
    Sit up.

    – Ryushu Shutaku (1308–1388)

  • Empty truth

    The substance of a sage
    Is nameless and cannot be spoken of;
    The empty door of truth as it really is
    Cannot be tarried in.

    – Pai-chang (720–814)