Category: zen

  • there is nothing I dislike

    “The true practitioner of the Way completely transcends all things. Even if heaven and earth were to tumble down, I would have no misgivings. Even if all the buddhas in the ten directions were to appear before me, I would not rejoice. Even if the three hells were to appear before me, I would have no fear. Why is this so? Because there is nothing I dislike.”

    – Linji Yixuan

  • An autumn night

    An autumn night.
    Don’t think your life,
    didn’t matter.
    – Basho

  • Live close to the ground

    In dwelling, live close to the ground.
    In thinking, keep to the simple.
    In conflict, be fair and generous.
    In governing, don’t try to control.
    In work, do what you enjoy.
    In family life, be completely present.

    – Tao Te Ching

  • Study only death

    A recluse came and asked: “What is the primary concern in religious practice?”

    The Master responded: “Put everything aside and only study death. Always study death, free yourself from death, and when death really comes you will not be flustered. In order to save others, knowledge is necessary. For your own salvation, however, whatever knowledge you have grasped becomes your enemy. Just be mindless as earth; recite the nenbutsu (praise to Amida Buddha) and study death.”

    Suzuki Shosan (1579 –1655)
    From Warrior Zen – The Diamond-hard Wisdom Mind of Suzuki Shosan

  • The more is hidden, the more appears

    The more is hidden, the more appears

  • We are what we think

    We are what we think.

    All that we are arises with our thoughts.

    With our thoughts we make the world.

    – Bhudda

  • Mountain Forest in the mist

    Misty morning

    Light rain, the mountain forest
    Is wrapped in mist,
    Slowly the fog changes
    To clouds and haze.
    Along the boundless river bank,
    Many crows.
    I walk to a hill overlooking the valley
    To sit in zazen.
    – Ryokan (1758-1831)

  • sky and water merging

    Like sky and water merging
    During autumn,
    Like snow and moon
    Having the same color,
    This field is without boundary,
    Beyond direction,
    Magnificently one entity
    Without edge or seam.
    – Hongzhi (1091-1157)

  • Serenity is the final word

    In this reflection all intentional efforts vanish.
    Serenity is the final word of all the teachings;
    Reflection is the response to all manifestations.

    – Hung Chih

  • Nameless and formless

    Nameless and formless,
    I leave birth-and-death.
    – Layman P’ang (740 – 808)